On May 12, 2020 Steve Petranik of Honolulu Business Magazine released a virtual interview with Kainoa Tabar covering the Covid-19 Crisis.  Below is a little snippit of the interview to see the full interview: Click Here

What advice for other companies?

Stay flexible. One of the great things about doing business in this digital age as a solo practitioner is I am free to change direction on a dime and service my clients wherever I or they may be. Three years ago, when I began my solo practice, I decided to go all-digital. I couldn’t have foreseen how valuable that decision would be in these times when face-to-face meetings are not feasible. For myself, being flexible to meet my clients where they are has meant I have been able to service an extraordinary amount of landlord-tenant cases and construction companies who are facing legal issues. For other legal businesses, flexibility may mean moving more of their employees to work remotely from home and rapidly restructuring their firm’s practice areas to meet the demands of the post-COVID-19 market.